A less common form of osteochondrosis everyone is completely available to the chest. This is a form considered to be the more terrible, as the symptoms of a degenerative disc disease, a thoracic spine often wrongly attributed to other diseases, such as myocardial infarction or angina. An article anyone can see, this is how terrible to have a disease or how to treat it, as well as the images of a subject in a pathology.
What he shall?
A disease, a degenerative dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs of the thoracic spine.
Thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae. He's less mobile, well protected from the muscular corset. Because ezek properties osteochondrosis considered a rare disease.
However, considering play attention to the increased incidence of a lower back pain, always more and more widespread episodes of degenerative disc disease a localization of a thoracic spine.
A deeper understanding of the he shall, I see the code to a disease, and its form according to ICD-10.
What are the peculiarities of this part of the spine?
The Low mobility is associated with anatomical hallmark of the relationship of the vertebrae, the ribs, the sternum provides the opportunity to enough to form a flexible, reliable system that is less exposed to a injuries, as well as an external action.
It's statistically proven that a mild load this unit facilitates the fact that the appearance of any complications you come across very rarely. But at the same time can't be a occurrence described as something extraordinary, for example, if posture, curvature may be certain conditions triggering the emergence of diseases of the spine.
A main reason for a GOCH or degenerative changes in the tissues and complication of the metabolic actions due to improper diet, or undue burden on the intervertebral discs.
Often thoracic osteochondrosis formed as a result of a prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable posture, in the presence of scoliosis, which is an uneven load on a spine.
A manifestation of dort, the expressed sharp, strong pain, which is the form of the unexpected attack. In addition to the restrictions on the mobility of a spine seem to be a shortness of breath.
If dorsalgia localized pain in affected area leads to, it's a long, relatively weakly manifested, accompanied by decreased activity in a lumbar-thoracic, or cervical-thoracic spine.
The doctors there are 4 degrees of the disease:

- Following will be broken Due to a disk inter-vertebral triggered by sharp moves of a or a huge load. The patient in this period I feel a strong pain in the spine, the tension in the all muscles.
- Diagnosed experience symptoms of intervertebral disc protrusion (bulge 5 million meters), and the presence of a column unstable spine. Conduct a thorough diagnostic examination to identify the stage of the disease.
- Characterized by the common feelings of pain, difficulty breathing, smaller diseases of the heart, and headache. In addition, it's a great opportunity, a herniated disc.
- They keep a dangerous to human health. This is a appearance of joints compression of the spinal cord and the nerve endings.
Further to explain everything important in the symptoms in different stages.
The beginning
In the early period of the disease completely expresses itself. Often even that is highly manifested pain syndrome come neurological symptoms (nausea, "floaters" in one eye, etc.) a patient associates a question.
Chest pain
I saw the heart area, chest, back, flank, is in the upper part of. Illness or when severe body on inhale, and then exhale during the movement. Feel the numbness of the left arm, and inter-scapular areas.
The feeling of a pressure
Pain in the shoulder blades from time to time accompanied by a feeling of lack of air when you inhale. Doctors recommend not to panic and to sit down and determine your pulse.
Impact If not exceed 100 beats / min, the probability that the pathology activities of the lungs or the very small heart.
Reflex syndromes

Reflex paravertebral tension in muscles observed during dorsalgia, often asymmetric, in the form of the convex side of a deformity.
Syndrome of the anterior chest wall. Causing the pain is that the reflected stress, and degenerative changes in a sternocleidomastoid muscle, starting at the sternum.
The pain increases when the load on the muscles of the chest, when turning the head to the body.
Represents a strong, sudden flash, the pain, the so-called "cross", which is displayed in an inter-scapular locations is shown at any time. Directly the time of seizure patients present as the "dagger stroke", and then suddenly a spasm of the spinal muscles.
In addition to severe pain, manifested by shortness of breath, and significantly restrict the free movement. A complication is That the disc degenerative disease, periodic attacks last up to several weeks.
What is a dangerous radiculáriszt syndrome?
Osteochondrosis formed, radiculáriszt syndrome, always accompanied by pain. While the pain is colicky felt in the chest, often similar to angina. Unlike But with a pain factor cannot be eliminated from a receiving vasodilator drug, and the suspension of physical activity. Every movement in a test, in fact, cough, difficult a significant breath to provoke in increase the pain.
Common signs of radiculáriszt osteochondrosis in a chest, in addition to the pain of a sore back-it is believed, paresis, deficiency, or absolute lack of the susceptibility, the change of the reflex, the tissue identified in a process neurological examination. Furthermore, this syndrome may be accompanied by hair loss, swelling in the extremities, blueness is a skin.
Signs of a subacute stage

Starts after acute, sub-acute stage, the process of thoracic osteochondrosis. Pain, difficulty in breathing, however, ezek significantly less active. People are not looking for solace, a test which is not a good time.
A duration of subacute period not exceeding 2 weeks. Object is always a doctor's appointments, the weakening of characteristics in the absence of manifested symptoms. A system drive to a new disk exacerbation of degenerative disease.
Symptoms may be little unpleasant appears a feeling, when the weather changes, after exposure or. A sharp pain occurs, it's just a osteochondrosis 2-4 severity of sudden rotation or tilting, a test.
Consider psychosomatics cough.
What causes the cough?
The pathology of a spinal cough accompanied by pain in the throat, especially on one side. At the beginning of the medical term for the throat. Later on, degenerative disc disease is an unpleasant feelings become persistent, aggravated at night.
Nervous system symptoms such as headache, dizziness, dizziness, blurred vision, feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath, it seems, inter vertebral discs, when a compressed nerve endings and arteries.
These can be the feelings felt in an area, a stomach, which is a person who directs the study of the liver, pancreas, etc., I didn't think that the root cause of pain osteochondrosis, a thoracic. A combination of certain forms of chondrosis neck, chest, the feeling of people complained that alien test, a throat, which becomes pronounced after exercise or after a stay in uncomfortable posture.
A vegetative ingredients

This could be:
- dryness, peeling a skin in a area of innervation of each nerve;
- local failure of sweating, thermoregulation (also a territory innervation);
- national chilliness in the limbs, fragility of the nail of the foot;
- pain, simulating a disease of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g., gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, etc.);
- pain in the kidneys, which is actually not associated with renal pathology (no change in the urine, ultra sound);
- my heart is hurting like angina myocardial infarction.
There is a muscle spasm, dizziness?
When breast osteochondrosis observed, muscle cramps, dizziness.
What it means is that the pathology of the vertebrae, it is possible to increase the pressure?
If thoracic degenerative disc disease can be diagnosed with the increasing pressure. Mint a chest artery is located, a clamp effect on the pressure.
It is possible to warm a test, a bath high blood pressure?
A bath, a little high blood pressure can harm. 3 or 4 stages of high blood pressure sauna is prohibited, as it leads to the death. When a stage 1 to 2 hypertension target organ damage, so that your bath is acceptable.
Digestive system, a disease
Through a form of osteochondrosis, pain in one's guts when a root got stung by a region of 8 to 9 vertebrae (disturbed innervation of the digestive system).
Painful impulses coming to the nerve endings, the spinal cord to the intestinal tract, enhance peristalsis. The one person concerned, flatulence, spastic pain in a region of a duodenum.
Angina and disease
A chest of many nerve fibers, and plexuses, which, after irritation, pain. By the way, the intervertebral discs, tapered compression leads to the nerve roots in a thoracic spine that the pain mimics a heart attack.
Other common symptoms

Mind feels a hand getting from the cold-from the cold, according to him, a "run creepy".
In some cases, the signs of osteochondrosis a chest like a panic attack (fear, heart palpitations, sweating). Combined with a pain behind the breastbone can be a symptom of myocardial infarction, therefore it is better to a vasodilator drug, call an Ambulance, which ensures that the ekg.
The digestive system: frequent exacerbation of gastritis, constipation, flatulence, recurrent discomfort in the abdomen, intermittent diarrhea, without being a diet-failure and.
Dort the
A sudden dort the sharp pain. Occurs when a person in a certain position for a while, and then suddenly change him. May appear, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, the muscle is not adequately controlled.
Dorsalgia is a provision chronic pain, a is expressed by little, the patient will bring some inconvenience.
A damaged them to the extent of a spinal root are painful impulses to various internal organs, including the heart. While the acceptable appearance of symptoms in different versions of arrhythmias, however, the more common arrythmia (irregular heart further reduction), or sinus tachycardia (a single frequent heart palpitations).
Diagnosis is quite difficult. It is due to This that the fact that this is a form of the disease is not obvious, unique features characteristic of degenerative disease of the spine that runs the medical manifestations of diseases of the internal organs.
An independent diagnosis of a degenerative disc disease is a chest you need to focus on is a symptoms of diseases of the internal organs. What happens When this error and the specific treatment required to go through a differential diagnosis, which will help to determine a pathological process.

Detection of a disease, which has the appearance of chest area in a pain syndrome begins with a medical history.
In this case, an expert for maximum accuracy learn, a take nature, an unpleasant feeling that to them before. Presumably, established That helps make the diagnosis, the patient may be chest osteochondrosis. The next step is the individual inspection and palpation of the affected area. This allows to determine the presence of inter-vertebral hernia.
While obtaining indirect evidence of a formation of thoracic degenerative disc disease, the doctor prescribed a blood test. This kind of testing is required, since this shows that the presence in the body of an inflammatory process, an accompanying degenerative, of course, a spinal column.
But in order to get the maximum accuracy to determine the root cause of the diseases of the chest, the definition of osteoarthritis developing in the middle part of the ridge, must comply with:
- Laboratory tests and instrumental diagnostics (ECG, ultrasound, x-ray).
- Neurological examination.
- MRI, to determine precisely not only the presence of inter-vertebral hernia, but the extent to which the affected degenerationism effect on the nerve endings.
- X-ray in 2 projections.
Only the holistic approach, the treatment allows all of the signs of osteoarthritis, suspend or completely cease the spread of the healthy discs of the vertebrae. The pathology of 1-2 degrees applied conservative methods of treatment. Degenerative disc disease 3-4 level potential, the formation of large hernias. In order to a eliminate constriction of the blood vessels, and spinal roots, it may be necessary to surgical treatment.
A treatment of a thoracic osteochondrosis medicine used in different clinical pharmacological companies. A mode section, a resources used intravenously, fast therapeutic effect. A few days later, the injection solutions instead of pills, ointments, patches.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Nsaids have been shown analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect. Localized sharp pain allows, intramuscular solutions.
To eliminate the discomfort between the shoulder blades, tools, use of the local application. And mild pain, Nsaids, that good oral.
Muscle relaxants
Eliminate muscle spasms That occur the answer is that in a lot of pain, or muscle relaxants.
The pathologist 1. level, of course, adoption of chondroprotectors to facilitate a renewal of damaged discs. Status According to Different variants of a drug is prescribed metabolism improves, in the sector concerned, the spine, the prevention of the progression of the disease.
The vitamins a " B " group
The vitamins intake of the drug dosage in patients with pathology at any level of severity. Their use helps to increase the blood circulation, improve the activity of the peripheral nervous system, the continuation of trophism and innervation.
A combination of B vitamins has a beneficial effect on degenerative diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.
Physiotherapy treatment
A treatment of a thoracic osteochondrosis is applied to magneto therapy, laser therapy, UHF-therapy, a sinusoidal current, shock wave therapy, application of paraffin, ozokerite and. When exacerbations are electrophoresis, phonophoresis a corticosteroids, anesthetics, and vitamins a, category B, chondroprotectors.
Massage, manual techniques
The massage will help to eliminate the pain between the shoulder blades, spazmirovannah relaxation skeletal muscles.
Osteochondrosis therapeutically effective all types of massage — a traditional, vacuum, acupuncture, connective tissue.
Home massage is convenient for the implementation using an electric massager, a long handle.
Gymnastics, physical therapy
If thoracic degenerative disc disease 1 level of daily physical therapy can provide the opportunity to dispense a medication. A carried out by treatment in maintaining the muscles, improving blood supply to the tissues of the nutrients. Variations according to a Different gym on a regular classes can help prevent the inclusion of the destructive process in the healthy vertebral parts to keep it in remission.
A practice home
Exercises in standing position:
- lean forward, lifting alternately a bent leg;
- tilts to the side, raise the hand alternately;
- leaning forward, trying to reach with your hand against a leg.
The number of repetitions — 10-12 times determined by 2-3.
Practice a situation in landscape, sports mat, or a thick, folded twice blanket:
- lying on the stomach, lift legs and arms at the same time.
- lying on your back to lift your upper torso, reach hands to one foot;
- lying on the back bend 1 leg to another, going to one knee he wanted to be on the floor.
All to be completed lesson 7-10 times.

Folk medicine chondrosis
Decoction and infusion of pharmaceutical plants, ointment, alcohol, oil, rubbing, compression neurologists allows the main use after treatment.
Folk remedy used to eliminate the less disorders, between the shoulder blades, sometimes appearing after physical exercises. Used celery root, sunflower seeds, the the maybe the homemade ointment.
Feature that the therapy exacerbation
The treatment includes:
- localization of symptoms, local pain, pain relievers, internal use;
- bed;
- to wear a corset for a spinal fixation.
If an exacerbation is severe, you should call the ambulance. The admission to the hospital the doctor watch the patient's condition and select the medication.
How to remove an attack?
Pain the period is repeated a thoracic degenerative disc disease can be acute, piercing, and so first aid. Should a patient is relaxed, put it on a hard surface, cover with a warm blanket. If the repetition is accompanied by heart palpitations, shortness of breath, high anxiety, the need to call the doctor. To ease the pain, to allow all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Complications consequences
In the absence of medical breast intervention osteochondrosis may be a factor in pulmonary fibrosis, arrhythmias, dystonia, offset by a worse, a gastro-intestinal tract, diseases of the sexual and the reproductive function of girls, don't mind a male.
Without having to be an immediate treatment to provoke a subsequent diseases:
- protrusion and hernia, a spinal dorsal;
- compression of the spinal cord;
- problems with a heart, intestine, liver, kidney, and pancreas.
- irregularities in the duodenum, the peristalsis of intestinal tract, dyskinesia of the gallbladder;
- intercostal neuralgia — compression of the ban, or irritation of, the intercostal nerves.
The Outlook is positive, the early detection of the disease, the overall treatment. In the case of complications of a thoracic osteochondrosis, compliance with all doctor's appointments gives you opportunity to achieve stable remission.
The prevention of a pathologist neurology I propose that it's normal to exclude a provoked cause of my life. This excess weight, low physical activity, lack of vitamins, minerals, the extra load on a spine.
A high position, and the rest of you while you sleep
High planting. A find furniture is not recommended. Excessive pressure on the spine can help you avoid conditions such as these, if an organization is a ischia supports this kind of. Maybe it's just the hard chair. The height of a chair you need to be on a par with the shins. A foot need to have a lie down. Always need to change it to 15-20 minutes as the position of a foot to perform the exercise. A back had to adjoin tightly to the chair. A body must keep straight.

How to to osteochondrosis. If you have time, a spine from the a lot of work, especially in the lower back.
- Help the spine, reduce load to a required every 10 to 15 minutes to change a posture.
- You need to rely on 1, then the other leg.
- You can walk on the spot, i.e., not a pillar, move it.
- Sometimes it is necessary to back bend, stretching the arm up to a full air.
Ezek procedures are necessary in order to remove the fatigue, the muscles of the back, neck, shoulder girdle.
How to sleep?
Lying on your back with bent legs, and the vertebrae remain physiological them, in contrast to the posture, when a leg is straightened– the muscles of the lower back to keep the state a stress.
Position Lying in a fetal – side pulled up to chest bent legs. The greatest comfort possible, make a small pillow under your feet. In this situation, the spine is very relaxed and the patient feels better.
On the advice of the doctors
All complex health, physical education takes an important role in swimming. Highly effective prevention of osteoarthritis. The navigation is possible, as earlier treatment method a developed osteochondrosis, but not at the time of the acute illness, only if there are no complaints, diseases, spine, and limbs.
Good medical results and provides innovative system couples massage. Pain syndrome removed a similar massage to the first procedure.
Diet nutrition during pregnancy
Many analgesics is contraindicated during pregnancy, therefore, neurologists priority medicines for external use — ointments, gels, patches. If you without drugs you can't, the dose is significantly reduced. During child-bearing a main method of treatment of a thoracic degenerative disc disease massage, physiotherapy treatment.
Dietary advice patients to refrain from fatty meat, greasy soup, smoked meats, homemade pickles, and a factory. You need to food reduce the amount of salt, which triggers the development of edema. Every day should drink approximately 2.5 litres of liquid — water, vegetable juice, berry fruit drinks, fruit compotes.
In order to avoid problems in the thoracic spine, often the first symptoms is required to the specialist. Not to self-medicate. If you suspect breast osteochondrosis should be a thorough diagnosis, and to be able to differentiate thoracic osteochondrosis other diseases.